Can you homeschool multiple ages with WriteShop? Yes! In many cases, you can combine kids who are close in age or skill in a single level.
WriteShop I & II
Why WriteShop I works for homeschool teens (and their parents!)
WriteShop I encourages homeschool teens that writing doesn’t have to be scary or hard, and it equips parents to teach with confidence.
Is WriteShop a complete homeschool language arts curriculum?
Learn when and how to supplement WriteShop with literature, grammar, spelling, or vocabulary to round out language arts.
20 reasons homeschool parents love WriteShop
Parents share why they love WriteShop. Their answers represent the scope of feedback we’ve received over the past 20 years of providing homeschool writing curriculum.
6 ways to help your special needs child with homeschool writing
Help your special needs child with homeschool writing with 6 tips for kids who struggle with creative and physical writing.
Why we used WriteShop from elementary to high school
WriteShop homeschool curriculum can carry you from elementary to high school and fully prepare your teens for college writing!
How WriteShop makes grading writing less subjective for homeschool parents
Are you looking for ways to make the process of grading writing less subjective?
Why kids love WriteShop: Four students tell their stories
Homeschool kids explain in their own words why they love using WriteShop to learn writing.
What is the best homeschool writing curriculum for high school?
5 key components to look for when searching for the best homeschool writing curriculum for your high school student
How to give high school credit for WriteShop I and II
Find out how many credits you can give a high schooler who completes WriteShop I or II.
WriteShop and the 6 Traits of Effective Writing for Homeschoolers
Each of the Six Traits of Effective Writing is followed by specific elements WriteShop I and II look for in a composition.
Choosing a writing program for teenagers
Look for lessons that guide students through the writing process, from brainstorming to final draft.
6 skills needed for timed essays on college entrance exams
See how well WriteShop II essay assignments dovetail with SAT and ACT writing expectations.
Choosing an elementary writing program
Choosing an Elementary Writing Program For many homeschoolers, summer is the time of year to scour websites and homeschooling catalogs in search of just the right curriculum products for your children's varying needs. So many subjects, so many choices! What to pick...
We’ve got (more) mail!
It's always so encouraging to open up my inbox each day and find a glowing review or happy testimonial from a homeschooling mom who's been using WriteShop with her children. It's been nearly ten years since we first published WriteShop I and II, and believe me, I...