Frosty, fanciful, and far-fetched tales delight the child in each of us this time of year. Let your kids create their own seasonal stories with these winter photo writing prompts!
1. Frozen in Our Tracks
It is the middle of winter, and you have lost something valuable and dear to you. As you search along the icy road, you encounter a flock of stern, serious sheep that block your path. What do they want? Can they be trusted? Will they let you pass? Will they help you find what you are looking for?
2. Ice Castle
While hiking along a snowy trail, you and a friend come across a magnificent frozen waterfall. A narrow path leads you inside, where you discover you’re actually inside an ice castle! Who lives here, and what happens when the two of you are found wandering within its icy walls?
3. Brightly Shining
Every year on New Year’s Eve, a light shines from the frozen lighthouse. Write a story about this mystery using at least four of these words: abandoned, waves, journal, flag, staircase, captain, pickax, dog.
Ready to explore more fun writing and journal prompts? You’ll find hundreds of topics on Writing Prompt Wednesdays!