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State fair writing prompts for homeschool kids

by | Aug 7, 2019 | Writing & Journal Prompts

Fair season is beginning all around the country! Mouth-watering aromas of roasting corn and barbecued ribs fill the air. Carousel music and excited screams draw fair-goers to the midway rides. Animals, competitions, and exhibits offer hours of entertainment. It’s the perfect time to write about carnivals and fairs, and these fun county and state fair writing prompts let kids explore all the sights, sounds, and flavors. Which one will they choose first?

1. Carousel Capers

Folks both young and old have crowded on to the Majestic Carousel at the county fair. Only three horses remain in need of a rider: Hurricane, Checkerboard, and Feathered Mask. Choose one of these horses, and describe its appearance and personality.

More ideas for writing about horses

2. Blue-Ribbon Entries

Have you ever entered a competition at your local fair? Maybe you sewed an apron, baked an apple pie, created a ceramic piece, or carved an animal out of wood. Write a numbered list explaining the steps you followed to create your project.

More ideas for writing about projects

3. Sold!

No fair experience is complete without sheep, cows, and pigs! Imagine that you have raised a farm animal and sold it at the Junior Market Livestock Sale. Write a thank-you note to the buyer in which you (1) thank them for purchasing the animal, (2) tell them what you plan to do with the money you earned from the sale, and (3) mention one or two things the experience of raising an animal has taught you.

More ideas for writing about animals

More ideas for letter-writing fun

4. If You Fry It, They Will Come

Deep-fried foods have become increasingly popular at state and county fairs. Around the country, fairgoers line up to sample these tidbits, which range from the ordinary (chicken strips and churros) to the very strange (deep-fried butter, peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches, dill pickles, pigs’ ears, and even scorpions—yuck!).

Each year, it’s fun to see which foods will make their way into vats of hot oil and emerge as sought-after new delicacies! What would you want to try? Invent a new deep-fried food. Will you serve it with a special topping or dipping sauce? Describe its appearance, taste, and texture.

More ideas for writing about food

5. Curated Collectibles

Fairs often feature a display of collections such as seashells, bottle caps, or McDonald’s Happy Meal toys. You’ve decided to submit your own special collection this year, and the judges have asked you to describe a few of the items. Write a description of your three favorites, paying attention to details of color, shape, weight, texture, size, and special characteristics.

More ideas for writing about your treasures

If you loved these state fair writing prompts, you may be ready to explore more fun writing and journal prompts! If so, you’ll find hundreds of topics on Writing Prompt Wednesdays.