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Creative writing prompts about art | High school essay topics for homeschool

by | May 9, 2018 | High school, Writing & Journal Prompts

Creative writing prompts about art | High school essay topics for homeschool

Are you doing a homeschool art study this year? Do you have an art-minded teen? Invite your kids to apply inspiration, investigation, and imagination as they dig into these creative writing prompts about art!

Have they ever wanted to travel to Paris and visit the world’s most famous museum, the Louvre? These essay topics are based on three of the Louvre’s most famous works of art

1. Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa | Journal Prompts about Famous Paintings

The year is 1505. You’re a time traveler walking a quiet street in a small town in France. While admiring local wares in a shop window, you notice a young woman waving at you. She looks familiar. You approach her and ask her name. “Lisa,” she says, smiling. Suddenly you remember who she is!

Now is your opportunity to ask her questions you’ve always wanted to know about the famous painting that bears her image. Write a brief creative essay describing the conversation you’ll have with her and the questions you’ll ask.

2. The Coronation of Napoleon

Coronation of Napoleon | Writing Prompts about Famous Paintings

Every painting tells a story. What is the story behind The Coronation of Napoleon? Do some research to find out who commissioned this painting—and why. How long did it take the artist to paint this picture? How did it come to live at the Louvre? Write an informative essay describing how this painting came to be.

3. Code of Hammurabi

Code of Hammurabi | Art Themed Writing Prompts for Homeschool Teens

This work of art is not a painting, but a relief sculpture intended to serve a larger purpose. Write a compare and contrast essay describing this statue and comparing its purpose with that of another famous work that was set in stone: the Ten Commandments. How are they similar? How are they different?

Did you enjoy using these creative writing prompts about art in your homeschool? If so, your teens might also like Middle School Writing Prompts about Music.