We appreciate that you’ve taken time to explore our copyright allowances and limitations before reselling or copying WriteShop materials. Your actions speak highly of you!
What is WriteShop’s photocopying policy?
We have tried to establish a generous copyright policy. While none of the WriteShop teacher’s guides may be photocopied, you have permission to reproduce most of the student materials. Younger-level materials have a slightly more lenient copyright than the older-level books.
Each child using WriteShop Primary Book A, B, or C will need an Activity Pack. You may copy the Activity Pack worksheets for single-family use or you may buy one Pack for each student. When purchasing the digital (e-book) version, you’re welcome to print Activity Pack pages as you need for your own students.
Each child using WriteShop Junior Book D or E will need an Activity Pack, which can be reproduced within your immediate family. It’s important to know that the Fold-N-Go Grammar pages are printed on colored paper and may not photocopy well. So even though you have permission to copy Fold-N-Go pages, families often prefer to buy additional Activity Packs or Fold-N-Go Grammar Packs for extra children.
The optional Time-Saver Pack contains enough components for 2-3 students to share. If you need extras, you’re free to photocopy additional sheets for your immediate family’s use.
If you plan to buy the digital version of any WriteShop Junior student book, you may, print out pages for single-family use only.
WriteShop I and II have a slightly different copyright policy from the Primary and Junior books. While it’s best if each student has a workbook of his/her own, we do give parents permission to photocopy the reproducible pages within a family. Permission does not extend to instruction sheets, word lists, or reference pages, so this sometimes poses a problem for families with multiple students, since sharing a book doesn’t always work.
Even though you’re free to make copies of worksheet pages, you’ll need to consider whether it’s practical to have your teens share the non-reproducible pages or whether it’s best to get them their own workbook.
Of course, if you get the digital version of a student workbook, you can copy pages for each of your own children.
Can I resell my WriteShop books when we’re finished using them?
You are welcome to resell any physical teacher’s guides.
WriteShop’s workbooks are consumable, meaning they are intended to be written in and used up by the purchaser. Our generous photocopying policy gives you permission to reproduce pages for your family’s use as needed—including saving pages for younger children to use when they’re ready. We ask only that you honor our copyright by not reselling the student workbooks or Activity Packs, understanding that the copyright designates these consumable products for single-family use only.
Learn more about copyright and consumable workbooks
Digital products (e-books) may not be resold. This includes digital WriteShop curriculum or any downloads. You may not be aware that when you purchase a digital product, you’re actually purchasing a license to use the product, not the product itself. This license is for your use only and may not be transferred.
Can I use WriteShop products in a co-op or class setting?
WriteShop products are created and licensed for single-family use only. Co-ops and schools may not print workbook or Activity Pack pages, worksheets, word lists, checklists, rubrics, or other pages without a site license agreement. If you’re interested in learning more about using WriteShop materials in your school or co-op, we offer a variety of options. Click here to learn more, or call our Schools Sales Team at (866) 440-9706 or email schools@demmelearning.com for details.