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How to write a Thanksgiving acrostic poem

by | Nov 2, 2017 | Poetry, Writing Games & Activities

Looking for a holiday activity? Divert your kids by showing them how to write a Thanksgiving acrostic poem!


  1. Write the word THANKSGIVING vertically on a sheet of lined paper. Using each of the letters, make a fun acrostic.
  2. Each line can be one word, a phrase, or a sentence. See how creative you can be!
  3. Poems can be left-aligned or centered.
  4. Afterwards, illustrate your acrostic or decorate the page with photos cut from a magazine.

I’ll start you off with a couple of examples. Then you can set the kids loose writing their own Thanksgiving acrostics!

Looking for a fun holiday project? Divert your kids by teaching them how to write a Thanksgiving acrostic poem!

First Thanksgiving

Thanking the Lord
Honoring Him
Abundant blessings
Needs met
Kneeling Pilgrims
Squanto’s help
Gifts of food
Indian corn
Indeed we are blessed
Neighbors have shared
God has provided

Thanksgiving at Home

T urkey time (I love the dark meat best!)
H oping the weather will turn cold
A untie’s apple pie—the best!
N ine plates around the table
K eeping family traditions
S tuffing my tummy with—what else?—stuffing!
G iving thanks for my family
I nviting our neighbor so he won’t be lonely
V egetables that I love (corn and green beans—yum!)
I think I am about to burst!
N aps for babies (and tired grandparents!)
G ames and laughter after dinner

Tuck this activity away for when the children begin to grow bored in the days leading up to The Big Day. I know your family will enjoy learning how to write a Thanksgiving acrostic poem!