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Thanksgiving acrostic poem: I am thankful

by | Oct 16, 2017 | Poetry

Last year at this time, I showed you how to create a Thanksgiving acrostic poem. Here’s a variation that helps your kids focus on reasons to be thankful.

When you’re scrambling around the kitchen on Thanksgiving Day and the children are underfoot, sit them down at the kitchen table with this activity.


Write the words I AM THANKFUL vertically on a sheet of lined paper. Using each of the letters, make an acrostic

  1. Each line can be one word, a phrase, or a sentence. There’s no right or wrong, as you can see from the examples below.
  2. If children are having trouble thinking of words, use tools like magazines, catalogs, a thesaurus, or word lists to prompt ideas.
  3. Poems can be left-aligned or centered.
  4. Afterwards, illustrate your acrostics or decorate the page with photos cut from a magazine.
Kids' activity: How to write a Thanksgiving acrostic poem

Example: A Thankful Heart

I am thankful for . . .

A ll my clothes and toys . . .
y mom, dad, and brothers . . .

T rue friends . . .
H ome and health . . .
A back yard to run and play . . .
N ana and Papa . . .
K nowing God loves me . . .
F ood on our table . . .
U ncles, aunts, and cousins . . .
L iving in a free country.


Example: I Am Thankful

I am thankful for

pples and pears
M y red hair

T oys
H ot dogs
A irplanes and cars
N ew crayons
K ittens and puppies
F lowers and stars
U nited States of America
L egos

Example: Gratitude

I want to thank God for

A ll His wonderful blessings, like His
M ercy and grace and compassion. For simple things like…

T oast and cocoa. For big things like…
H ope in a dark world. For blessings like…
A warm, cozy home filled with love.
N ine fun cousins!
K eeping me safe.
F riends that are closer than brothers. I want to always lift
U p praise to Him with a thankful heart, knowing how much He
L oves me.