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Imagine if…. Whimsical journal prompts with a medieval theme

by | Apr 27, 2016 | Writing & Journal Prompts

Imagine if.... Whimsical journal prompts with a medieval theme • WriteShop

What better way to inspire your kids than to throw in a castle-load of adventure? Lower the drawbridge and let the writing begin! These whimsical journal prompts with a medieval theme are sure to thrill your most resistant writers.

1. The Legend of Excalibur

Imagine that you are lost in the woods and suddenly discover a sword in a stone. How do you react? What do you think will happen next?

2. Character Counts

Courage is the character quality that allows us to do what is right in the face of danger, pain, discouragement, or fear. Write a story that shows the importance of courage, using at least three of the following words: knight, dragon, fire, cliff, peasant, fog, duck, gold, promise.

3. A Book of Great Price

Imagine you are a rich medieval lord who has waited several years for one special book. Your book was copied by hand, letter by letter, word by word, page by page. How will you reward the scribe who copied the words so carefully? What would you do with a servant who accidentally burned part of your book?

4. Medieval Coat of Arms

Someone has asked you to design a coat of arms to represent your family. Describe the colors and symbols you would choose, and explain what each one represents.

5. The Show Must Go On!

During the medieval era, town guilds often performed “mystery” or “miracle” plays to bring stories from the Bible to life. Laymen who could not read the Latin Bible learned many Bible stories by watching these theatrical performances. Imagine you are a member of the carpenter’s guild who must participate in a mystery play called Noah and the Ark. How will you design the set, props, and costumes?