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The Magic Pen | Free printable writing prompt

by | Nov 2, 2016 | Writing & Journal Prompts

It’s time for another monthly printable to make writing lessons easy in your homeschool! With this prompt, your children consider having a magic pen that can disguise their handwriting.

Encourage your children to use their imagination to visualize the fictional scene before they start writing.

  • What does your handwriting look like?
  • How is it different from someone else’s?
  • Would you like to have different handwriting? Why or why not?

After this verbal brainstorming, give your children the free printable writing prompt for their daily journaling or for their homeschool writing assignment.

The Magic Pen Writing Prompt

If a magic pen could disguise your handwriting, what would you write and why?

The magic pen writing prompt • free from WriteShop

Download your free printable writing prompt!

If you would like to share this free printable with others, please link to this post. Do not link directly to the PDF file.

The magic pen writing prompt • free from WriteShop

We would love to see photos of your child with his or her completed Magic Pen writing prompt. Take a photo and tag us @WriteShop on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the hashtag #writeshop, so we can see!

Lots more writing prompts await! Check back each week for more Writing Prompt Wednesdays!