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Double space after periods? Just say no!

by | Jan 22, 2013 | Resources & Links

It used to be acceptable to type a double space after periods. Why did the rules change?

One space between sentences.

I know, I know. Most of us who learned to type on one of those—whatchamacallit—typewriters have a thing for hitting the space bar twice.

Unfortunately, that “two spaces” rule is going the way of the dinosaur. Modern word-processing programs are intuitive. Did you know they automatically insert a little more room after the end period, question mark, or exclamation point so that you don’t have to?

As a matter of fact, you shouldn’t. As you’re typing away at the keyboard, it may seem counterintuitive (or even wrong) to only add one space at the end of a sentence. You might even feel as though you’re committing the unpardonable sin!

But maybe—just maybe—the time has come to stop inserting two spaces after ending punctuation. 

If my word doesn’t hold enough sway to convince you, here are few more voices on the subject.

Butterick’s Practical Typography

Spaced Out

Space Invaders

Grammar Girl: How Many Spaces After a Period?

GOOD Design Daily: Do You Double Space After Periods?

Though it was once acceptable, many think it’s a habit worth breaking. Are you game? If I could learn to stop using a double space after periods, I’m confident you can too!

Are you a one-spacer or a two-spacer? What do you think about this somewhat-controversial subject? 

Copyright 2013 © by Kim Kautzer. All rights reserved.

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Photo: Henry Bush, courtesy of Creative Commons.