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High school persuasive writing prompts

by | Feb 8, 2017 | High school, Writing & Journal Prompts

highschool persuasive writing prompts

High school students can practice their persuasive writing skills with these engaging persuasive writing prompts. Whether they’re trying to convince a friend to watch less TV, volunteer at the local food bank, or read an amazing book, they’ll find the perfect prompt below.

1. Teen Couch Potatoes

Research shows that the average American teen spends up to 40 hours in front of television and computer screens each week. Do you think this is too much? Write an essay convincing teens to spend less time in front of a screen.

2. Do Unto Others

Many students volunteer their time to help others, either through nonprofit organizations, animal shelters, churches, or other charitable venues. Write an essay to persuade other teens to find a charity and become a volunteer.

3. Hometown Happiness

Your local Chamber of Commerce has asked you to create a brochure to attract visitors to your hometown. Write an essay convincing others to visit. Include details about three different attractions, historical locations, or special events.

4. Life-Changing Reads

Think of five unforgettable, inspirational, or life-changing books that have impacted you. Which one of these do you think should be required reading for everyone? Write an essay in which you persuade others to read this book. Support your position with three main points.

If you enjoyed these journal prompts for high school, be sure to check back each week for more Writing Prompt Wednesdays! Once a month, we feature topics especially suited for teens.