Pretend you work for a greeting card company. Can you come up with a custom card using the following candy heart sayings? Have fun with these “heart-to-heart” conversations!
Click the image above to download the “Heart Conversations” free printable writing prompt. If you would like to share this prompt with others, link to this post. Do not link directly to the PDF file. Feel free to print this PDF file for your own personal use. Please do not sell or host these files anywhere else.
Journal All Year Printable Writing Prompt Calendar
These calendar sets for elementary or teen students contain prompts for every month of the year. They’re an affordable way to keep your kids writing 10-15 minutes a day.
Print the prompts in your choice of three formats: calendars, cards, or strips.
Journal All Year! Elementary Writing Prompt Calendar
This set of 240 writing prompts will inspire your elementary and middle-school children for an entire calendar year! The collection includes a variety of engaging topics and a wealth of ideas for printing and using the prompts to encourage a habit of daily writing.
Grades 3-8 | $3.50
Journal All Year! Teen Writing Prompt Calendar
This set of 240 essay prompts will inspire your teenagers to develop a daily writing habit through an entire calendar year. Each week features five categories of essay prompts—persuasive, creative, argumentative, expository, and reflective.
For middle and high school students | $3.50
Elementary Calendar Only
Teen Calendar Only
Calendar Bundled Set