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Create a homeschool writing center

by | Aug 10, 2020 | Homeschooling

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To encourage creativity and good habits for your budding writer, why not set up a homeschool writing center—a comfortable, low-cost space where your elementary-age kiddos can work?

Whether you homeschool at the kitchen table or set aside a separate writing area in your homeschool classroom, make it as inviting and inspiring as possible. Providing a place that is quiet and organized will help spark the imagination and foster a love for the written word.

Here are some practical ways you can build either a portable or permanent writing center.

Storage Suggestions

First, consider how much room you have. Are you homeschooling in tight quarters, or do you have a school room at your disposal?

Portable Writing Center

A portable writing center is perfect when space is limited.

You can store writing supplies in a:

>>Also see How to Make a Writing Center in a Tote Bag

Semi-Permanent or Permanent Writing Center

Having a designated school room or area in your home lends itself to more permanent storage solutions, such as:

Equipping Your Writing Center

Next, gather your writing supplies and store them in or near your chosen writing center. Before buying anything new, look to see what supplies are already lying around the house. It’s a good idea to keep these supplies separate so they’re always handy at writing time.

Desk or Tabletop Workspace 

Start with a good work surface! Keep this space clutter-free to help kids concentrate.

Alphabet Charts

Post your manuscript or cursive alphabet chart at eye level to serve as penmanship models.

Chart Tablet or Newsprint Pad 

These are great for writing out a young child’s dictated stories.

  • Chart paper: Primary chart pads come lined or unlined. You can also find them spiral-bound for easy turning. If you have an easel, you can hang your tablet.
  • Newsprint pads can be clipped to an easel or laid flat on a desk or tabletop.
Create a Homeschool Writing Center | Ideas to help you set up a comfortable, low-cost space where your young child can work

Reference Tools

Include one or more of the following.

Tools for Brainstorming and Writing

Tools for Publishing Final Drafts

  • Glue, glue sticks, tape
  • Rubber stamps, stickers
  • Scissors, stapler, hole punch, yarn scraps
  • Solid-color construction or scrapbooking paper
  • Old magazines, calendars, and catalogs to cut and paste

Creating a writing center is just one of the many ways WriteShop Primary and WriteShop Junior seek to nurture a love of writing in elementary-age children.

Once all your supplies have been collected and put away, you and your child can enjoy a creative workspace that’s quiet, comfy, well equipped, and organized!