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Brainstorming with 5- to 8-year-olds

by | Nov 4, 2008 | Brainstorming

Brainstorming with young children is often a shared experience, guided by mom or teacher. It helps kids plan and organize before beginning to write.

Brainstorming with young children is often a shared experience, guided by mom or teacher. It helps kids plan and organize before beginning to write.

1. Brainstorming unlocks ideas

A key ingredient of the creative writing process, brainstorming is fundamental to preparing a child to write. Brainstorming with young children is usually a shared experience, guided by mom or teacher. Make this a fun, low-key time for chatting about ideas for writing. And to take the pressure off, let the child talk while you jot down her thoughts.

Before beginning a writing project, brainstorm with your child for ideas related to that day’s topic. You and your child should use brainstorming to:

  • Generate possible topic ideas for writing.
  • Determine things to write about her chosen topic.

Whether your child wants to write about a favorite toy, yesterday’s visit to the fire station, or a make-believe flying car, brainstorm with her to help her unlock ideas. Even within her small world, she can talk about what she observes around her, what she knows in her head, or what her budding imagination can dream up. You’ll both appreciate this time of brainstorming and jotting down words and thoughts before actually beginning to write.

2. At the early elementary level, brainstorming:

  • Helps your child focus her attention on the topic.
  • Generates a number of different ideas.
  • Encourages your child to share her ideas and opinions without fear of criticism.
  • Shows your child that she will have more to say during writing time if she has already given her topic some thought.

3. Ways to brainstorm with primary children

List of Ideas. The most basic form of brainstorming is to make a list, writing ideas on a tablet or whiteboard. Keep this list handy throughout the rest of the lesson to help spark ideas during the writing stage and extended activities. Brainstorm to create a list of topic ideas, or brainstorm to make a list of things your child can write about her chosen topic.

Story Web. Draw a simple story web with a circle in the middle and five or six lines extending out from the circle to resemble a spider web. In the center of the circle, write the topic. On each of the lines, list the information that supports the topic. Click here to see an example of a story web variation.

Story Idea Card File. This tool helps you and your child brainstorm for topics. Using index cards, glue a small magazine or catalog picture to one side and write the topic on the opposite side. Store cards in a small file box labeled “Story Ideas.” Start by making about 10 cards.

During the brainstorming session, take out the index cards. Look at the cards together and read their labels. Ask your student to choose four cards (topics) she might like to write about. If she wants to write about a topic that isn’t in the box, help her make a new index card by gluing a picture on the front and writing the label on the back. Finally, encourage your child to choose one card as the topic for her next story.

Graphic Organizer. Graphic organizers come in many varieties. When your child is writing a story, it will help her to stay on task if you create a simple graphic organizer to list ideas for the introduction, body, and closing of her story. Label the graphic organizer as follows, leaving spaces for writing as you brainstorm together:

  • Title:
  • Beginning:
  • Middle:
  • End:

Ask your child to think of story ideas about her topic. Ask questions to help her come up with a beginning, middle, and end. Talk about possible titles and write these ideas on your graphic organizer.

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Sound like fun? If so, you’ll find these and many, many more ideas in WriteShop Primary, our newest series targeting early learners in K-3rd grades.

Brainstorming with young children is often a shared experience, guided by mom or teacher. It helps kids plan and organize before beginning to write.

Photo by milena mihaylova, courtesy of Creative Commons