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Writing prompts for winter days

Writing prompts for winter invite kids to describe a dapper snowman, try to explain snow, create a new winter sport, and experience life in a snow globe.

Today you’ll find me guest posting at Heather’s blog, Life of a Homeschool Mom, as part of her ABCs of Homeschooling through the Holidays series.

I chose the letter W both for writing (surprise, surprise!) and winter and combined them into a fun set of kid-friendly writing prompts for winter days.

These four engaging snow-themed prompts are guaranteed to produce smiles all around! Your kids will be invited to:

Hop on over to Life of a Homeschool Mom to read my guest post. In addition, you’ll find a BONUS free snow globe printable to download. It’ll make your kids’ eyes light up for sure!

Heather’s ABC series takes you through the alphabet each day with lessons, activities, recipes, and more to celebrate the holiday season. You can peek at all the other wonderful Homeschooling Through the Holidays posts here:

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